Healthy Food Ingredients Launches HFI Marketplace™

Healthy Food Ingredients has launched HFI Marketplace in support of local business, small-to-medium companies and entrepreneurs.

HFI Marketplace offers wholesale quantities, beginning with single units up to 4,000 lbs, from a select line of its safe, premium quality ingredients which include HFI’s signature product, Suntava Purple Corn™, as well as non-GMO expeller pressed corn oil, flax ingredients, pulses and ancient grains.

“We are pleased to provide our non-GMO and organic specialty ingredients to start-up companies, product developers, R&D professionals, etc. in need of lower volumes,” explains Jennifer Tesch, HFI Chief Marketing Officer.

Tesch goes on to explain HFI Marketplace grew out of demand for volumes less than HFI’s typical minimum order quantities of 4,000 lbs. “HFI Marketplace is an extension of our sustainability program, which to us means ‘good for business, good for people and good for the land.’ In addition, HFI Marketplace allows us to support new industry channels including chefs, restaurants, institutions and universities,” comments Tesch.

Many of the ingredients that HFI offers through Marketplace are under its IntegriPure® brand. IntegriPure is HFI’s microbial reduction solution that means industry-leading validation for a 5-log reduction providing food safety assurance, naturally.

As an innovative solutions provider, HFI continues to provide guidance and expertise that the industry relies upon. HFI Marketplace is the ease of e-commerce supported by Pam Olson as HFI’s Marketplace Coordinator.

“We look forward to growing HFI Marketplace with additional offerings as we have demand for our specialty ingredients,” adds Tesch.

Orders may be placed directly through